Tradecorp Cold Storage For

Beef and Poultry

Raw meat and poultry require cold storage at the temperature of – 40°C (-40°F) or below to prevent pathogenic contamination. At plants, red meat carcasses are refrigerated in a blast cooler with rapid moving chilled air, while poultry carcasses require a chilling temperature of -40°C (-40°F) or below.

cold storage untuk menyimpan daging sapi dan ayam

Cold Storage For

Safe Storage and Transport of Red Meat and Poultry

Raw meat and poultry require cold storage at the temperature of – 40°C (-40°F) or below to prevent pathogenic contamination. At plants, red meat carcasses are refrigerated in a blast cooler with rapid moving chilled air, while poultry carcasses require a chilling temperature of -40oC (-40oF) or below.

During the delivery from the plant to retails, those carcasses should be chilled in reefers at the temperature of -40°C (-40°F). Additionally, refrigerated containers transporting the carcasses need to be built with probes for monitoring the temperature inside and deviations during loading, unloading and transits.  

If your projects are related to meat and poultry products and you need to get advice on cold storage, please fill in the quote, and our sales team will contact you to discuss your requirements at competitive prices. 

Storing Raw Meat up to 12 Months

20′ Refrigerated Super Freezer Container


40′ High Cube Super Freezer Container

Cold Storage Container Beef and Poultry for Sale Best Price

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