Tradecorp Cold Storage For


Proper handling of harvested produce is vital for preserving the freshness of vegetables and fruits from the first picked time to the point of purchase by consumers. The low-temperature storage inhibits microorganism growth, preserves nutrients, texture, and flavour, as well as extending the shelf life.

Vegetables Cold Storage

Cold Storage For

Vegetable and fruit

Cold storage at a temperature of 0oF (-18oC) or colder is common to extend the shelf life of food products for a maximum of 6 months or longer. However, the storage life is extendable as the storage temperature is colder. Most fruits and vegetables, for example, retain their freshness and wholesomeness for 10 months up to 12 months at a temperature of 0oF (-18oC). The colder temperature of –4oF (-20oC) will increase the storage life of fruits and vegetables for 21 up to 70 months without creating undue deterioration to the produce. Refrigerated containers or reefers are a common carrier to transport produce like fruits and vegetables. 

If your projects are related to agriculture produce and you need to get advice on cold storage, please fill in the quote, and our sales team will contact you to discuss your requirements at competitive prices. 

Proper handling of harvested produce is vital for preserving the freshness of vegetables and fruits from the first picked time to the point of purchase by consumers. The low-temperature storage inhibits microorganism growth, preserves nutrients, texture, and flavour, as well as extending the shelf life.

To deliver the freshness of first-picked agricultural products, keeping consistently low-temperature cold storage during the delivery process is a major concern for the food, retail, and catering industries. Our refrigerated container units, ‘reefers’, feature built-in cooling machines (i.e., Daikin, Carrier, Thermo King) distributing cool airflow across entire foods and preventing products from spoilage. Their customizable sizes and designs fit your requirements and are a cost-saving for shipping.

Their T-Bar floor and stainless-steel interior sustain a cold-temperature environment and are hygienic food-grade storage. The digital controller easily maintains specific low temperatures, while ISO requirements and the CSC plate are our adherence to the international shipping standard and safe transportation. We deliver your products to their destination.

cold storage untuk buah dan sayur
cold storage untuk menyimpan vaksin

20′ Refrigerated Super Freezer Container

Refrigerated container ukuran 40 feet view diambil dari atas dan 45 derajat.

20′ High Cube Cold Storage Container

Kondisi Penyimpanan Umum dan Masa Penyimpanan Praktis

Penyimpanan dingin pada suhu 0°F (-18°C) atau lebih dingin biasa dilakukan untuk memperpanjang umur simpan produk pertanian hingga maksimal 6 bulan atau lebih. Namun, masa penyimpanan dapat diperpanjang bila suhu penyimpanan lebih dingin. 

Sebagian besar buah dan sayuran, misalnya, mempertahankan kesegaran dan khasiatnya selama 10 bulan hingga 12 bulan pada suhu 0°F (-18°C). Suhu yang lebih dingin dari –4°F (-20°C) akan meningkatkan masa simpan buah dan sayuran selama 21 hingga 70 bulan tanpa menyebabkan kerusakan yang tidak semestinya pada produk. Kontainer berpendingin atau reefer adalah sarana yang cukup umum untuk mengangkut produk seperti buah-buahan dan sayuran. 

Jika proyek Anda terkait dengan hasil pertanian dan Anda perlu mendapatkan saran tentang penyimpanan dingin, silakan isi form, dan tim penjualan kami akan menghubungi Anda untuk mendiskusikan kebutuhan Anda dengan harga yang kompetitif. 

high cube cold strorage complex container ukuran 40 feet

Cold Storage Containers Storing Vegetables Produce for Sale

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